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Organisational change and restructuring in diverse environments

Bogdan Ciocoiu - business organisational change

Organisational change is essential for firms to remain relevant and competitive in today’s rapidly evolving business environment. However, change is often resisted, making it crucial to consider a change programme’s implications carefully.
Providing clear and transparent communication is essential to support those that struggle with change. By outlining the reasons for change and the anticipated benefits, individuals can understand the change’s significance and become more accepting. Moreover, providing training and support can make the transition smoother, reducing resistance.
Engaging senior stakeholders in the design process is necessary to obtain buy-in and cascade a positive message in their respective directorates or departments. Organisations can ensure that the change programme meets their needs and aligns with the company’s vision by involving them and listening to their concerns. Also, highlighting the benefits and impact of change on the firm’s competitiveness can motivate reluctant stakeholders to support the change.
When merging firms with different cultures, blending the cultures can be challenging. Organisations should identify commonalities and develop a shared vision, values and hybrid working methods to mitigate this. In addition, appointing change champions from both sides of the merger can help bridge cultural differences and create a shared identity.

Organisational change in M&A programmes

In the case of acquisitions where the new smaller organisation feels disconnected from the more prominent firm, integrating the smaller firm is crucial. The new organisation can feel more included and motivated by appointing mentors and involving the acquired company in decision-making. Moreover, cultural awareness training can foster an understanding of the new organisation’s values and strategic objectives.
Managing the impact on the remaining workforce’s morale and motivation is the most significant challenge when downsizing. Therefore, it’s crucial to clarify the new structure and roles, support those whose roles may change, and recognise those who remain. Developing a firm leadership and communication plan can help maintain the remaining workforce’s trust and motivation.
Change programmes require careful planning and execution, focusing on people, culture, and communication. Organisations should be mindful of the abovementioned challenges and develop tech-enabled mitigation strategies.

We can support organisations in navigating these challenges and delivering successful change programmes.